

Tuscan Capital has enjoyed a record period of new business through quarter two of 2024 assisting dozens of property professionals across the UK.

By Jaxon Stevens, Sales Director, Tuscan Capital.

Two excellent examples selected from these deals demonstrate how efficient and fast our Fast Track process is.

First, we helped an experienced landlord quickly purchase a freehold block of seven flats at auction. We provided a £716,000 facility, completing the deal in just 17 days from application to completion. By using a desktop valuation and no search indemnity insurance, we were able to meet the tight deadline, thanks to our strong professional relationships. This fast turnaround shows how efficiently we can work under pressure, helping clients seize investment opportunities.

In another case, we worked with a trusted broker partner to refinance an existing lender for a client. This allowed the client time to market and sell the property for the best returns. We provided a £490,000, 12-month facility, wrapping up the process in just 14 days with the help of a desktop valuation and no search indemnity insurance, highlighting our ability to meet tight deadlines and offer flexible financing.

These successes show how our Fast Track process can meet tight deadlines and provide great service. Here’s a look at what makes our Fast Track process so effective:

Key Features of Tuscan Capital’s Fast Track Process:

  • Quick Approval: Credit approved, and term sheet issued within 4 hours of enquiry.
  • Efficient Valuations: Automated Valuation Models (AVMs) and desktop valuations.
  • Easy KYC: Simple electronic KYC application.
  • Insurance Solutions: Title insurance and search indemnity to avoid delays.
  • Flexible Terms: No personal guarantee needed up to 65% Loan-to-Value (LTV).
  • Remote Execution: Legal documents can be signed remotely via video.
  • Smart Underwriting: Asset-based underwriting with logical exit strategy checks.

Why Tuscan Capital’s Fast Track Process Stands Out, Jaxon Stevens Comments:

“Our Fast Track process is designed to give property investors and developers quick, reliable financing solutions. We streamline the process to cut down on delays and maximise efficiency, ensuring our clients get the funding they need, when they need it. Rapid credit approval, AVMs and desktop valuations, and the option for remote document signing are just some of the features that set us apart from traditional lenders.”

Read the full story on Advantage Online.

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