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Jim Nash, National Sales Manager, speaks to Tony Sanchez from Bridging Loan Directory in the latest "Five Minute Interview".

What is the best thing about being in the bridging finance business?

Bridging allows for creative and pragmatic thinking. I worked for many years in high-street lending and felt constrained by its inflexible and rigidly set parameters.

When it comes to development finance; if the sector was to rely solely on the support of mainstream lenders to build the homes that are needed; we’d all be old, decrepit, and grey before the targets were anywhere close to being achieved (sadly, I have a head start in this respect!)


What keeps you focused?

The fact that I have a mortgage, along with golfing fees and holidays to pay for – not to mention the six kids (4 Grandchildren and two more on the way) continually holding out their hands for cash!

Working hard and earning a living is not an optional extra in my life.


What qualities do you look for in your employees or colleagues?

I appreciate loyalty and a wicked sense of humour. There’s little worse than a drab workplace to drag down productivity.

Combine a smile with hard work, punctuality, common sense, a positive attitude, and going the extra mile, and all the personal ingredients are in place for success.


Are you an optimist or a pessimist?

I’m a realistic optimist with a touch of pessimism.

I cannot help but be a little pessimistic about certain aspects of the world where our kids are growing up today.

But I’m hugely optimistic about bridging in general and the business I work for.

I also think we live in a great country and have much to be grateful for.


What did you want to be as a child?

A carpenter. My mum still has two tables I constructed whilst at secondary school.


What will be the greatest challenge facing the bridging finance industry in the coming months?

Some of the biggest challenges for our brokers and customers recently has been getting valuation reports turned around in a timely manner.

With many valuers struggling to get PI cover and or some firms withdrawing from the bridging market altogether this means the valuer's pool is under a lot of pressure.

I know we are working on some tactical changes to help this, but this market wide issue is causing real frustration and increased timelines for all concerned!


Who or what makes you laugh?

I have a terrible sense of humour (depending on how you look at it!) All types of bad Dad jokes make me laugh: “Who is the loneliest Billionaire in the World?” “Alone Musk” 😉


Do you dread Monday mornings?

I love my job, but why after a weekend invariably involving Guinness, football, golf, family, and yet more Guinness would I look forward to Monday morning?

On a more serious note, Monday mornings are the time to ensure the diary is organised for the week and certain jobs are prioritised, (especially the last calls taken the previous Friday evening).

Occasionally I work with a network which involves a “kick off the week call “on a Monday morning, which invariably starts at 9.30 am when the brain has just about started working.

PS: Did I say I love my job (in case the CEO reads this 😉).


If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

If I could change one thing, it would be my Golf handicap.

It has been the same for 35 Years!


With whom would you most like to have dinner?

It must be Sir David Attenborough. I have followed his exploits and programmes for many, many years.

A true pioneer in the cause of saving animals and the planet.

Click here to read the full interview on Bridging Loan Directory.

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A range of case studies demonstrating examples of previously completed loans can be found here.


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